Get Answers to Any Technical Question With Expert Guidance

Is your organization facing complex technical questions that demand immediate answers and solutions? We would love to help you with any technical challenge. Staffing, tech strategy, architecture, infrastructure, organization alignment, or let us know what you're currently facing.

Book a Meeting with Joe Peacock

Get expert consultation that goes beyond just answering questions. We provide actionable solutions to your organizations most pressing technical challenges

Leading Expertise Like No Other

With a decade plus of experience making technical decisions that have driven billions of dollars in value. I now have shifted focus to helping others create world-class technology organizations.

  • Professional Background: Scaled startup from Series B to beyond IPO on NASDAQ, managed global teams at Facebook, and built 2 other successful companies.
  • Technical Excellence: Technical expertise, including Tech Strategy, Architecture, Infrastructure or Software Delivery Performance.
  • Proven Leadership: Management experience driving technology investments and initiatives that have achieved successful ROI and business outcomes.

Our Services

Unlock your organization's full potential with our comprehensive range of services. Whether you're striving for enhanced software delivery, strategic guidance, or portfolio alignment, Peacock Consulting has the expertise to drive your success.

Delivery Performance Transformation

Achieve the goal of delivering higher-quality software products at a faster pace. Adopt a quantitative approach to measuring your software delivery process. Utilize data and leverage the best agile practices to decrease change management overhead and enhance team autonomy.

Executive Advisement Service

We offer the expertise and education necessary for your leadership teams to navigate through your digital transformation journey. In a landscape of ever-advancing technology strategies, we enable the effective application of these strategies through insightful coaching.

Organization & Tech Strategy Alignment

Align your technology investments with your core business and design organizations capable of executing effectively. Implement a portfolio-driven approach that provides visibility into your investments and the outcomes they yield.